Free Watch Alligator 2 - The Mutation (1991) Online Streaming


A giant mutated alligator runs riot in a small town after the sewer system washes it into a lake...

It crashed out of the sewers... now there's hell to pay!

Movie details Alligator 2 - The Mutation

Release : 1991-12-18
Genre : Horror
Runtime :
Company :


Joseph BolognaasDavid Hodges
Woody BrownasRich Harmon
Holly GagnierasSheri Anderson
Brock PetersasChief Speed
Richard LynchasHawk Hawkins
Steve RailsbackasVincent 'Vinnie' Brown
Dee WallaceasChristine Hodges

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Alligator 2 - The Mutation 1/6 - YouTube
A giant alligator runs riot in a small town with a lake connected to a sewer/drainage system. Typical plot; nobody believes the sightings until lots of ...
Alligator 2: The Mutation (1990) - Synopsis - MSN Movies
Alligator 2: The Mutation (1990) synopsis: Not so much a sequel to the John Sayles-scripted Alligator as a shoddy remake, this sophomoric... - Alligator II - Die Mutation (1991)
Alligator II: The Mutation: Alternativtitel: ... Leider kommt Alligator 2 nicht annhernd an die Gre seines Vorgngers heran. Der Film ist zwar nett gemacht, ...
Alligator II: The Mutation (1991) - IMDb
A giant alligator runs riot in a small town with a lake connected to a sewer/drainage system. Typical plot; nobody believes the sightings until lots of people have ...
Alligator 2 - Die Mutation (1991) - Kinostart - Kino-Trailer ...
Alligator 2 - Die Mutation (1991) - Kinostart, Kritik, News, Trailer: In einer Grostadt kippt ein Grokonzern heimlich genetisch vernderten Giftmll in die ...
Alligator 2: The Mutation (1990) - Overview - MSN Movies
Alligator 2: The Mutation (1990) overview: synopsis, movie reviews, photos, trailers, movie clips, cast and crew,news, dvd, user reviews, message board and more
Alligator II: The Mutation (Alligator 2) - Rotten Tomatoes
Not so much a sequel to the John Sayles-scripted Alligator as a shoddy remake, this sophomoric low-budget effort plays like a bad TV movie about a swamp-dwelling ... Alligator 2 - The Mutation [VHS]: Joseph Bologna ... Alligator 2 - The Mutation [VHS]: Joseph Bologna, Dee Wallace, Richard Lynch, Woody Brown, Holly Gagnier, Bill Daily, Steve Railsback, Brock Peters ... Customer Reviews: Alligator 2 - The Mutation [VHS]
5 stars. "Alligator" I liked this movie alot it was pretty good I liked how the alligator looked like the reason why not to many people may not like this movie is ...
Alligator II Die Mutation Wikipedia
Alligator II Die Mutation ist ein US-amerikanischer Horrorfilm von Jon Hess aus dem Jahr 1991 und eine Fortsetzung des Films Der Horror-Alligator aus dem Jahr 1980.

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